There is no one who comes here that does not
know this is a true map of the world, with you
there in the center, making home for us all.
- storypeople -
Shared with Tuesday's Treasures
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...Masha, of course your collages are always a delight, but the architecture of the old buildings captured my attention. I would love to have a set of dishes and flatware like those. A slice of that dark bread with some butter would be a treat. Thanks Masha for sharing your treasures, enjoy your week.
AntwortenLöschenDeutsch ist Kaltland las ich grade bei Frau Jule. Und bei einigen Bildern musste ich auch frösteln...( kann aber auch am geöffneten Fenster liegen 😉)
AntwortenLöschenWarme Gedanken & Grüße an dich!
Captivating photos, Masha.
AntwortenLöschenHappy Tuesday!