Montag, 21. Juni 2021

Иванушка-рачек - Ivan the crayfish




по бережку лазя,
Рыбку хватая,
Ульянушке носит..
Ест рыбку с перецем..
Сидит барин на току,
Кричит барин "Засеку"..
У три сахи пашут,
Четвертая борона
Её мать продала,
Не дорого узяла..
Тяпку, лопатку,
Курочку хохлатку..
Курочка хохлатка
Сидит на поличке..
Курочка хохлатка
Сидит на поличке..
Сидит на поличке
Считая яички..
раз, два, три, четыре,
Меня грамоте учили..
Ни читать, ни писать
Только в куколки играть..
Я куколку разорил а
Меня маменька побила
Паап паап на свинье
Балалайка на стене
Балалаечка упала
Свинье по горбу попала
А папаше по спине
Чтоб не ездил на свинье
Ivanushka - the dear Crayfish
along the river bank, was crawling.
To catch some fish
For Ul'jynushka's smile rejoicing
Ul'jyanushka with her lucky heart
Eats the peppered crayfish part.
In the barn the farm -lord stands,
bawls at his men:
"I'll beat you to the death"
Three wooden plow
ploughed up meadow.
The fourth one was a Harrow
Mother sold it for a price low,
A hoe, a shovel,
And a fluffy fowl.
A fluffy hen
sits on a perch,
counts eggs herself.
"One, two, three, four...
"Where are the more?
I can not read, I can not write.
Only dolls can lullaby.
My doll.
I have her all disemboweled,
The heavy my Mom's hand made me rewarded...
Dad, dad sits on a hog
Balalaika - on a wall.
Balalaika has fell down
The hog's back has bent round.
All the hens away were flown
And my father's his wide back
Has been hacked
with Mummy's hand.
For next time him not to ride.
After drinking much the vine.
Ivan the Crayfish’s
crawling along the bank
Catches a fish
and brings it to little Ul'yan
Little Ul'yan
wolfs down the peppered fish
The landlord sits in the barnyard
and screams "I'll whip you!"
They work their fingers to the bone
With a wooden plough and harrow
Mother sold the latter
Didn’t ask much for it
A hoe, a shovel
And a hen
And a hen
It sits on its roost
A hen
It sits on its roost
It sits on its roost
Counting its eggs
One, two, three, four
They taught me how to count
But not to read or write
I had to play with dolls
I broke one of my dolls
Mummy gave me a spanking
Dad, dad hit me on the back
Balalaika on the wall
Down the balalaika fell
And hit the pig on its hump
And then dad on his back
So he won’t be riding a pig anymore
van the Crayfish’s
crawling along the bank
Catches a fish
and brings it to little Ul'yan
Little Ul'yan
wolfs down the peppered fish
The landlord sits in the barnyard
and screams "I'll whip you!"
They work their fingers to the bone
With a wooden plough and harrow
Mother sold the latter
Didn’t ask much for it
A hoe, a shovel
And a hen
And a hen
It sits on its roost
A hen
It sits on its roost
It sits on its roost
Counting its eggs
One, two, three, four
They taught me how to count
But not to read or write
I had to play with dolls
I broke one of my dolls
Mummy gave me a spanking
Dad, dad hit me on the back
Balalaika on the wall
Down the balalaika fell
And hit the pig on its hump
And then dad on his back
So he won’t be riding a pig anymore
Ivan the Crayfish’s crawling along the bank
 Catches a fish and brings it to little Ul'yan
 Little Ul'yan wolfs down the peppered fish 
The landlord sits in the barnyard and screams
 "I'll whip you!"
 They work their fingers to the bone 
With a wooden plough and harrow 
Mother sold the latter 
Didn’t ask much for it 
A hoe, a shovel 
And a hen It sits on its roost 
Counting its eggs 
One, two, three, four 
They taught me how to count 
But not to read or write 
I had to play with dolls 
I broke one of my dolls
 Mummy gave me a spanking 
Dad, dad hit me on the back 
Balalaika on the wall 
Down the balalaika fell 
And hit the pig on its hump 
And then dad on his back 
So he won’t be riding a pig anymore

Shared with Photo Tunes

1 Kommentar:

  1. ...Masha, your fotos and tune are a wonderful treat for the start of summer. The tune reminds me of playing at pond. Thanks for sharing, I hope that you will enjoy a wonderful summer.


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