Sonntag, 15. September 2013

Cemetery Sunday

She said she usually cried at least once each day
not because she was sad,
but because the world was so beautiful & life was so short.

- storypeople -

Shared with Cemetery Sunday

6 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful pictures.

    Thank you for linking up with Cemetery Sunday.

    Beneath Thy Feet

  2. what a breathtaking version of our Mother Mary!
    Your cemetery is filled with lovely trees and flowers. I wish we had small plots to accommodate flowers growing like the ones you show. That warms my heart because my mother had a "green thumb" meaning all flowers flourished under her care.

    1. Oh yes, our cemeteries are beautiful, like gardens, I like to go for a walk there. I do not know how American cemeteries are there no flowers to plant?
      From me is also said to have the green thumb. But that's just since I have a garden. Before that, I'm not so interested in plants. Now I make sure that they are doing well. That's all.
      Plants are God's creatures ...

  3. Ich bin immer gerne auf Friedhoefe gegangen, besonders die in England, die mich alle immer ein wenig an "Woman in White" erinnern. Sehr schoene Aufnahmen - der Frieden dieser Orte kommt gut rueber.

  4. I agree - the gardens in your cemeteries are beautiful. Ours (Canadian, and probably northern US) cemeteries tend more towards trees and fake flowers. I hate the fake flowers.


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