Sonntag, 22. September 2013


Shared with I heart macro

7 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful captures...I love the touch of pink against the green

  2. Nice plants - we used to have them on our front wall in the UK.

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. Love the hint of color on this sedum!

  4. Beautiful Mascha, thank you for your kind words, Diagnosis can take years, and finding the right doctor even more years. May you continue to enjoy the beauty of each day unfolding, just as it is. Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro :-)

  5. Beautiful! Succulents have very interesting shapes and colours.

  6. Perfect shot! I love these perennials. They are popular with gardeners here because deer don't like them and we have a lot of deer.


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