Montag, 9. September 2013

Crayon Pirate

There was a single blue line of crayon drawn 
across every wall in the house. 
What does it mean? I said. 
A pirate needs the sight of the sea, he said & then he pulled his eye patch down & turned and sailed away.

- storypeople -

Shared with Blue Monday

4 Kommentare:

  1. Hello Mascha,

    This is a cute little story in blue.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  2. tHANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENT MASCHA.Following you now, and hope we become blogger friends.

    1. Liked to do!
      If I normally never did it - I find it hard with the language, I'm still learning .. but is now better. Translator helps often...

  3. Love the sweet little 'blue story; ~carol, xo


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