Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2016

Railway bridge

There is a narrow gauge railway which runs through our town.
It looks so pretty in the snow.

Here I've shown more of it.

14 Kommentare:

  1. Pretty fences and lovely homes. The first shot is my favorite. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. It is so beautiful. These shots would make incredible postcards. B

  3. beautiful railings and definitely dressed up by snow!

  4. Very pretty. I just drew a bridge in one of my illustrations--and it was not easy. They are like the ulimate challenge in perspective--the bane of my existence. Thanks for the lovely pix and inspiration. xo

  5. Mascha, a beautiful fence in the sharp and clear on my screen.

  6. Ohhhh, da war ich im Winter schon Ewigkeiten nicht mehr... Wunderschön. Lieben Gruß Ghislana

  7. That first shot is so, so beautiful...really nice composition.

  8. It's wonderful! I love narrow gauge...your snow scenes with the fencing...beautiful!

  9. What a lovely ornate bridge! It looks perfectly festive with the snow.

  10. The little railway bridge looks exquisite in its snowy gown. Beautiful scenes.

  11. The fencing makes marvelous contrast against the snow, and you've shown a good eye in these captures.
    Thank you for linking up at

  12. The first image is picture post card perfect. Well done.


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