Freitag, 8. Januar 2016

Friday Five and a picstory

Good morning,

it's time for Amy's Five on Friday and  Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five.

That's the look out of my window yesterday at 11 am.
The winter looks so beautiful and quiet.
Each year I dream to have in winter a peaceful and creative time.
To go out of my home only for a nice walk to enjoy.
Winter makes everything quiet and slow and all is far away,
 which is easily reached without snow by bicycle. 
My daily radius is very smaller...
I would like this time of seeming hibernation.
But I can not cut off the alldays life, sigh!


The reality: my life much more strenuous, because all paths to walk take five times as long, 
cost a lot of power. All heavy loads to carry.
Often happen unpredictable problems and must be solved immediately
Often I am only at the end of my energy, winter is the hardest time.
When you have an old mother who needs help, it can not working with a resting wintertime.
It remains a dream... (and that's why you only rare find winter photos in my blog)
Well, that's life.


My fucking disease is back, what I had last year for 8 months.
Hope, it goes over faster this one.


Have seen at the new calendar, that on monday, the 25th of january is Tu B'shevat, 
the New Year of the trees.
Hope, we can celebrate it in this year really outdoor, in the forest 
and not only in the garden...


And now the poetic part - лирический часть.

A little picstory

He wrote secret notes to people he hadn’t met yet. 
Some of them aren’t even born, he said,
 but we live in a strange neighborhood & they will need help 
figuring things out & I won’t always be around to explain it to them.

- storypeople -

Have a nice weekend all :-)

PS: I made this post yesterday in the evening and it was working.
Today I 've tried many ones to write another post, but I can not add the  photos. Can upload them, but not adding, blogspot doesn't working. Is it only my problem or have another blogger it too? 
(I'm working in HTML-Version) 

Shared with Scenic Weekends 

12 Kommentare:

  1. I am so sorry you are not well, sending speedy get well wishes that it goes away quicker this time

  2. I know winter is a hard time especially for the weak and sick. I don't know what disease you are struggling with but I hope you will get well soon and that it will not come back again.

  3. Get well soon. The houses look beautiful in the snow. :-)

  4. The sight from your window is so peaceful...I wish you strength and good health in 2016.

  5. oh mascha, i am so sorry that it is back...i do hope it goes away have a beautiful view out of your window...i wish all the best for you in 2016! thank you for linking!

  6. Beautiful winter scenes. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  7. Winter scenes can look lovely but the snow and ice often cause many problems. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  8. Beautiful artistry, Mascha. Take care of yourself and get well. I used to live in a very wintery area, and have moved to a more southern state to get away from the awful cold and challenges of getting around in the winter. Hang in there. Spring is just around the corner.

  9. The first photos are beautiful, but the snow is not good for someone in ill health. I hope that it will not be there for too long. Thank you for joining Five On Friday again this year! Happy weekend! xx

  10. Your winter scenes do look very pretty and peaceful. I agree winter makes it harder to get around. - So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.

  11. What a beautiful post...your picstory is wonderful but I also love the mystical photos at the start. I am so sorry you are suffering again. I will keep you in my prayers!

  12. There is a soft quiet and stillness in scenes with snow. The first photo especially is so lovely. Even though I do not see snow in my world, winter time is still cold and I tend to hibernate if I can. Do hope you are feeling a little better now, and, above all, stay warm.


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