Dienstag, 12. Januar 2016

Русская азбука в песнях - Russian ABC in songs

I've decided to play the new round with Russian ABC.
I like this language and by singing it sounds still nicer, so I will chose to every letter a song.

Unfortunately I can not find on the internet phonetic transcription to the Russian language
and even can't write it with my computer.

A is for азбука (azbuka) - alphabet
алый (alyj) - crimson red

"Алые паруса" (Alyje parussa - Crimson red sails) is a fantasy novel 
of the Russian writer Alexander Grin (1880-1932).
It's protagonist is the girl Assol, what is waiting for a ship with crimson red sails.
I'm not a friend of modern fantasy books, but I've always liked this little old novel from 1923.


Today I've chosen a childrens song
"Есть на свете цветок алый, алый"  (Jest na zvetje zvetok alyj alyj) 
 "There's on the world a crimson red flower"

Posted for Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday

7 Kommentare:

  1. Da binn ich mahl gespannt welche Muzik du uns horen last ;-)
    Es gibt Muzik genug, denke ich, ich freue mich darauf obwohl ich die Sprache nicht spreche und ebenfals nicht verstehen kann

    Dank dir für deinen Beitrag, sehe dich gerne wieder nÄchster Woche
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  2. I Googled this after reading
    Nice !

  3. Lovely, - both the song and the illustration. Will be looking forward to your future posts....

  4. Fascinating and so original for our ABC series.

  5. Big welcome to ABC Wednesday! I loved the melody and all the visuals, especially the kaleidoscopic colours and shapes! Looking forward to seeing what else you bring in the following weeks.

    abcw team

  6. I learned a smidgen of Russian in 5th grade, enough to count to 19 even now. Looking forward to the series.

  7. the song is so beautiful.. i only learned a couple of words in Russian thanks to a couple of friends (whom I have to meet - has been so long since I met them now ).. look forward to more posts..


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