Dienstag, 12. Januar 2016

Beware the snow...

Walls have ears.
Doors have eyes.
Trees have voices.
Beasts tell lies.
Beware the rain.
Beware the snow.
Beware the man
You think you know.

- Catherine Fisher "Incarceron" -

These paper photos from 1995 I have scanned.
They are a treasure for me, because the painterly old sawmill is today only a boring car park.
In 1995 it was abandoned since a few years, like many factories on the area of the formerly GDR, and some homeless people, which I knew, lived in the dilapidated buildings.
 I have this winter in special memory.
Here you can find more old photos of factory ruins from this time.

16 Kommentare:

  1. It looks very cold and bleak. A pity that the old buildings are gone but good that you have a record of them.


  2. Lovely old photos Mascha. It looks so cold & chilly

  3. I think I wouldn't want to go out at this time.

  4. Mascha thanks so much for joining Tuesday's Treasures! Photos can be a wonderful way to preserve memories which help us treasure the past...both pleasant and not so pleasant. I hope that your life will be filled in treasures always.

  5. That is a great old building. Makes me wonder where those homeless people are now.

    1. They have lost our little town - it wasn't a good place for them. The man at the first photo is dead (that I know) and I think, a few of the others too.

  6. Beautiful places to have memories of...beautiful photos. Treasures for sure.

  7. Oh, my, I have loved these...they are wonderful.

  8. Old paper photos are a treasure for sure! Lovely scenes...

  9. Fantastic photos! And great words, too.

  10. Eerie poem, but oh so true! Love the snowy scenes.

  11. Amazing photography! And what a forlorn story about the buildings : ( so sad to here that. Thank you for sharing this with us; it's beautiful work~ Karen O

  12. Mascha, wonderful snowy photos, especially the old building with its atmosphere of abandonment.
    Have a good week. Jesse

  13. stunning photos, you captured the atmosphere so beautifully! xx

  14. Ich habe den Winter '95 in ebenfalls in Erinnerung, ist doch im März unsere erste Tochter geboren ;-)
    Eine ganz andere Erinnerung als Du, aber das macht ja nichts.
    Deine Fotos sind für mich sehr faszinierend und ja ich glaube Dir das so eine Autogarage mehr als langweilig ist und dann noch als Ersatz für solch schönes altes Gebäude.
    Ich danke Dir fürs Mitmachen und wünsche ein schönes Wochenende


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