Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2016

Creature on fire

This is a creature on fire with love, but it’s still scary since most people think 
love only looks like one thing, instead of the whole world.

- storypeople -

11 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, you have such a wonderful way of displaying your artistic pieces among your photos.

  2. So love your collages, especially the one featuring the woman whith flowing hair. And an enchanting view of the water and leaves.

  3. Your collaging pages are always amazingly beautiful.
    Thanks for visiting my site and the nice comment.
    Happy PPF xx

  4. very interesting story telling in your collage stages

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  5. I love your collages, the way you add words is very inspiring.

  6. The way you combined the different elements is very dreamy and lovely.

  7. Beautiful collage work that draws me in.
    Lovely words too!

  8. Your photos and your collage are beautiful! I love the way you mix them together to tell a story.

  9. Fabulous collage and so much truth in that quote about love!!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. I love adding words to art. I am just learning to do calligraphy--not an easy task--but I love it. Adds another dimension to your collages. Love. xo


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