Sonntag, 31. Januar 2016

Wild fire

It is not that we hide from the small, cold things at the heart of us, but from the raging heat of a wild self that loves this world without apology & how do you live like that without setting your whole life on fire?

- storypeople -

Shared with Sunlit Sunday #3

8 Kommentare:

  1. Sehr schöne Collagen. Ich mag deinen Stil. Liebe Grüße und noch einen schönen Sonntag, wünscht Dir, Anna.

  2. You are so clever at putting your photos and collages together

  3. What a beautiful and inspiring post!
    Have a lovely new week!

  4. Picture #3 is very good. I love the way you presented your shots. Have a great week.

  5. Marvelous series. Happy Sun Lit Sunday!

  6. Interesting photo collages. I like the light in that second photo! Happy Sunlit Sunday to you...

  7. Your collages are very pretty. Isn't it lovely to see the light along the horizon in the morning? Your street shot is great.

  8. How interesting to see the way you combined images and words in your collages, Mascha. I like the street seen too, with the moody sky showing light coming out from behind the clouds.



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