Dienstag, 19. Januar 2016

Good reasons

I tell stories for very good reasons, she said, 
but I’m not going to tell you what they are 
or you’d start reading too much into them...

- storypeople -

13 Kommentare:

  1. Striking and heartrending at the same time. Beautiful. Mimi x

  2. Is it some kind of plants in the 5th photo? They look like some kind of succulent plants.

  3. Your first image of the grieving woman standing at the cross is a popular theme for cemetery memorials here...I've several. Lovely post!

  4. A beautiful post and fascinating treasures therein. I could browse here for a long time.

  5. kam mein kommentar nicht an?
    finde Deinen Blog gut!
    Herzlich Pippa
    mit http://disipi.blogspot.de/

  6. Beautiful photos, especially of the cemetery angels...and your quote is wonderful!

  7. Lovely cemetery angels and collages.

  8. Amazing photos, and gorgeous collages. !!
    Greetings Dorthe

  9. stunningly beautiful photos again dear Mascha! I love the serenity, the contemplation but also the stillness and sadness that's in these beautiful statues.


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