Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016

Steam engine

This steam engine and the building in the background are the last piece of the old sawmill.
Earlier the engine was in the basement of a big hall.
I was often down there and saw it, quite rusted.
Now they have brought it up and repainted, as a technical monument.

15 Kommentare:

  1. These great pieces of machinery are quite marvelous really.


  2. Nicely preserved piece of the past. I find myself intrigued by old machinery. It reminds me of a simpler time.
    Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/01/eat-your-greens-fruity-ones.html

  3. Imposing machine indeed ! and so clean too !

  4. What a beautiful vintage engine from days of old. It is in such pristine condition. I love how you gave us pictures from so many angles....with the snow included as a little icing on the cake.

  5. isn't that great?!! love that shiny red!

  6. Wow, that is one big engine. Glad they restored it and love that red!!

  7. It is wonderful that they decided to paint it and put it on display.

  8. My 5 year old son enjoyed these photos as did I ! Thanks.

  9. That is very impressive!

  10. Mascha, thanks for sharing this steam engine. Every summer we have a steam festival...it's great fun. I hope that you return with more treasures.

  11. They sure did a fantastic job on the restoration Mascha. The snow on the red paintwork with the blue sky sure makes a great colour combination


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