Sonntag, 29. Oktober 2017

On the other side...

My tribute to Halloween

Do you remember slow-motion times
With little golden stars?
I see you trumble in the streets
I hold your hand in the cinema
A piece of heaven
in a rotten world
Aou disappeared in a roaring night
I could die


On the other side
I'll see you again
On the other side
We'll walk hand in hand

On the other side
I'll see you again
On the other sideWe'll walk hand in hand

I saw you again with tears in your eyes
My heart beats hard
Time doesn't move in a picture
But I can't live in the past
Life is easy
If you don't care about the future
And it's easy to smile
If you don't care about the truth
I still love you
But I've changed myself

On the other side
I'll see you again
On the other side
I'll see you again
On the other sideWe'll walk hand in hand
On the other side
I'll see you again
On the other sideWe'll walk hand in hand

When I see you...

4 Kommentare:

  1. ...Mascha, such beautiful cemetery scenes. Thanks for sharing, I hope that you are doing well.

  2. Do like the Black & White photos of the cemetery

  3. Hallo Mascha,
    gerade habe ich Dich "entdeckt" bei Our World Tuesday - ein Tribute für Halloween, hier in Niedersachsen wird gerade ziemlich "gegrummelt", weil diesem Tag soviel Bedeutung beigemessen wird und darüber 500 Jahre Martin Luther fast in Vergessenheit geraten (lach).
    Aber für mich als Gruselfan ist Halloween schon klasse ;-) Ich mag es ja sehr schaurig, das Lied ist zwar nicht so meins, aber das Video dazu gefällt mir sehr!
    Liebe Grüße, schönen Feiertag (egal für was - wir haben frei ;-)

  4. Lovely collage work for the Season and great word post ~ ^_^

    love and light
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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