Freitag, 16. März 2018

Купите папиросы - Buy my cigarettes

- An old Jewish song - 

Lyrics of this song are written by Herman Yablokoff .
Author was inspired to write this song after seeing children peddlers during German occupation of Grodno in WWI. Current version is in Yiddish and Russian and incorporates new lyrics that have been added during WWII. It describes the daily life of a blind jewish orphan boy, who has to sell cigarettes and matches to stay alive... 

A cold night, foggy, and darkness everywhere
A boy stands sadly and looks around.
Only a wall protects him from the rain
He holds a basket in his hand
and his eyes beg everyone silently:


Buy my cigarettes!
Dry ones, not wet from the rain Buy real cheap,
Buy and have pity on me.
Save me from hunger now
Buy my matches, wonderful ones, the best,
and with that you will uplift an orphan.
My screaming and my running will be for naught.
Nobody wants to buy from me-
I will have to perish like a dog.,,,

My Father lost his life fighting during the war
German killed my Mother in the Ghetto with a rifle
my Sister was enslaved,
I have been hurt myself
And lost my sights...


Ночь туманна и дождлива, за окном темно,
Мальчик маленький рыдает только об одном.
Он стоит, к стене прижатый
И на вид чуть-чуть горбатый,
И поет на языке родном:

Друзья, купите папиросы!
Подходи, пехота и матросы!
Подходите, пожалейте,
Сироту меня согрейте!
Посмотрите, ноги мои босы. 
Мой отец в бою кровавов жизнь свою отдал,
Немец Маму из винтовки в гетто расстрелял,
А сестра моя в неволе
Сам я ранен в чистом поле --
Там своё я зрение потерял. 
Друзья, купите папиросы!
Подходи, пехота и матросы!
Подходите, пожалейте,
Сироту меня согрейте!
Посмотрите, ноги мои босы.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Mascha
    zehn Jahre habe ich nicht geraucht seit drei Jahren bin ich am Kämfen und immer wieder nach paar tagen Pause kaufe ich wieder welche
    trotz dem ich glaube endlich wieder frei von Zigaretten zu leben
    Tolle Beitrag

  2. In welche sprache wird es in dem Video gesungen?

  3. Lovely image Mascha. And I enjoyed the song to go with it

  4. What a dreadfully sad song - from a desperate time! Fine photo.

  5. The song is very moving. I really like this way you mix in your photos or your montages, the writing and the objects. This image is very beautiful

  6. ...Masha, such a haunting tune from the past paired with your black and white foto! Thanks for sharing, take care and please stop back again.

  7. Mascha, song expresses a profound sadness. Thanks for sharing.


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