Sonntag, 4. März 2018

Remember home

Maybe this is how it always is,
that we think we go into the world alone & lose
ourselves there until, at last,
Love calls our name & suddenly we remember the way home.

- storypeople -

11 Kommentare:

  1. Thanks bunches for sharing your beautiful art with us at Try it on Tuesday this time. Hugs!

  2. Wundervolle Collagen und Fotos sind das! Ganz toll, dass Du bei Try It Tuesday mitmachst! Wir freuen uns drüber!
    Hab einen guten Start in die neue Woche und weiterhin gute Besserung und Genesungswünsche für Dich!
    Lg Susi

  3. waue great art and love you photos to

  4. A wonderful selection of beautiful pages. thank you for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesdays.

  5. Mascha, you certainly have some wonderful old rundown buildings in your part of the world. Such interesting textures and collages.
    Wishing you a happy week,

  6. Gefällt mir alles sehr liebe Mascha.
    Traumhafte collagen und Fotos.
    Wie schön, dass du wider bei "Simply Neutrals" zu sehen bist.
    Schönen Mittwoch noch und
    liebe Grüße

  7. Hello dear Mascha, hope all is well with you again, and no more sickness, so you can enjoy your garden ;) Your photos are absolutely stunning, such beautiful textures and weathered beauty! And your collages have wonderful images, especially that boat on the river.
    Wishing you a beautiful week, hugs xx

  8. Wonderful Vintage collages and great photos. I love all of them.
    Dear Greetings

  9. Amazing collages, Masha , and love your photos as well , beautiful all !!
    Greetings, Dorthe

  10. A nostalgic and wistful blog post today, Mascha. I hope you are feeling better.
    Thank you for joining us at the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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