Freitag, 23. März 2018

Friday Five and a picstory

Good morning,
it's friday again and time to join


We got more snow on tuesday.
Not spring in sight... I'm so longhing for it.


Our temps are no more frosty since yesterday,
but it takes a long time, until all snow will be away.


About my week is nothing to say, normally alldays life and works.


Have still healthy problems, can not go without crutches.
But I prefer to take my bike and push it.
Good for me to lean on it. And that doesn't look so disabled.


My photos are old, from my archive.
And I found an old, unpublished before picstory.
Here is it.

Have a nice weekend.


In my dream, the angel said,
 The way you want to be loved might take a very different life 
than the one you keep holding onto & I thought to myself, 
Why can’t I just have a dream with flying ponies for once?

- storypeople -

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