Montag, 27. Mai 2019

Break me


No show
Isn't that how it goes?
No show
He makes
He's making room for me in the city
He makes
He can break me
With one hand to my head
Go in dark, dear
Dissipate my fears, letting me in
He lets me in
He knows
That I love him, I know he is home
He knows
Sirens are far from me
Safe and alone
He can make me
Move into a city on my knees
He can take in everything
Hoping he lets me in
I, I…let you in
I am writing about him home
I am, I'm writing a song for him
He can break me
With one hand to my head
He can make me move into a city
Taking me as I am
As he lets me in

4 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha to be able to move like this! A new song for me to go along with your lovely collage. The link is up, I had set the wrong time. Enjoy your day.

  2. What an amazing little girl <3 Also the colours of your collage are so, so fine!

  3. Your collages always intrigue the eye.
    Thanks for linking up at

  4. Mascha, nice bicycle in the collage. A lithe young woman. Thanks for sharing.


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