Montag, 12. Juli 2021

Picture Cards Can't Picture You

 Didn't try to fall in love with you
Tried everything that I could do
To keep from falling
Like I've done so many times

Tried to wash it all away
In anything and every day
I think of all the things you said
When we were all alone

I saw daylight in your eyes
I saw daylight in your eyes

Wish I could but I can't say
Tomorrow's still a day away
I always love the time
That I can spend with you

Who can know and who can tell
I never seen a wishin' well
That held what its' supposed to hold but who knows
Maybe somewhere there might be

I saw daylight in your eyes
I saw daylight in your eyes

Time will come and time will go
And I believe in things I know
Been doing it a long time
Guess I can again

Win or draw no chance to lose
Picture cards can't picture you
But I can see you like you are
If I just close my eyes


Shared with Photo Tunes

3 Kommentare:

  1. ...thanks Masha for another Blaze Foley tune, I need to listen to him more often. I hope that your week is off to a great start.

  2. Love is that impetuous. Nice poem
    Have a good week. Enjoyed your torn paper art.



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