Samstag, 9. Mai 2015

Convincing argument

I just figured out
after all this time
that I love people
best when they
let me
& not when they
spend a lot of time
& energy trying
to convince me
it’s not worth it.

- storypeople -

(The photos are old film/paper photos, which I've scanned)

10 Kommentare:

  1. My favourite people don't try to control me. :))

  2. Beautiful shadowy trees and a wonderful old building in the last photo.

  3. the last photo is amazing!! love it!!

  4. There's something magical about film that digital cameras just can't re-create.

    My Shadow Shot

  5. What a beautiful collage you have composed.

  6. Just wonderful! Love that last image.

  7. Cool photos.
    As for the sentiment, it's quite thought-provoking. I shall have to think about it a while. Thanks for giving my brain some exercise, and thanks for sharing at

  8. Nice photos, but I really love the quote. I try to follow it as a lifestyle with my kids.


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