Samstag, 16. Mai 2015

First glance

In that moment, our eyes met & I remember thinking This is what it is like to be struck by lightning, knowing I would never be untouched by her again.

- storypeople -

15 Kommentare:

  1. You are so amazing. I always have something new filling my heart after visiting your blog. Happy Day to You!!!

  2. The fall of light into the tunnel is quite magical. And like the soft colour of the building beyond.

  3. The shadow in the first shot draws me into the pohto. :)

  4. Beautiful pictures - the light in the tunnel is breath taking !!!! From Still Saturday.

  5. Beautiful pictures - the light in the tunnel is breath taking !!!! From Still Saturday.

  6. This is beautiful and I appreciate what you let me see. Always make me smile and filled with rejoicefulness. Thank you.

  7. I really like the first shot! Pretty!

  8. I love them, don't have a favouerite - they are all great :-)

  9. Beautiful photos :)

    Thanks for linking up..

  10. I love that first quote, what a powerful piece of writing.


  11. The second photo the girl is so lovely she looks almost like a painting.

  12. As usual, it's a blessing to see how you are doing the photos and sharing with us around the world. Thank you!


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