Freitag, 22. Mai 2015

Friday Five and books

Good morning

it's friday again (how fast the time flies!) and I'm joining with


At first a random photo. Have choosen it by color.
That I often do.
As a former artisan I'm a person of colors (have a colorful mind ;-) ).
And my dayly challenge by blogging is to choose matching pictures.
So that it gives a harmony during my postings, from one to the next and not a big colorful mess.
It's a little crazy, ins't it?


I would wish, more visitors did notice this and see the whole site, not just the one post 
(don't worry, there are almost only pictures, little text)


In last time I read two great and stunning books:
Brady Udall "The lonely polygamist"

I dont like the modern fantasy books, I like to read really storys about real people.
And this two books are written very well!
The first is the story of a Jewish woman in the England of the thirties to the present days. A story from everyday life, from finding her own way and a story of any painters to.... a marvellous book!

The second book takes place in Utah of the sixties, a story of an unusual family everyday. It's really a sad book, but so well written that you will not want it put down. At these more than 700 pages is not a single set boring or unnecessary, even when he talks about the most trivial things.
A book full of slapstick and a voltage of the own kind. I like it!


I spend many time in the garden of my mother (88).
Last two years I haven't worked there (of heathy reasons) and nobody other has it done.
Who has a garden, will know, what that means - - -


At last still one photo of the old manor house in Röderhof, where we were at Easter monday.
I very like this old stonework.
(Meanwhile the young trees are green, wish, I coult it see!)

Have a nice and sunny whitsun weekend all :-)

13 Kommentare:

  1. Five great things! I hope that you have a good weekend and can enjoy some more time in the garden perhaps? Thank you so much as always for joining in! xx

  2. Wunderschöne Ruinen. Machen sich toll auf den Fotos.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. Love the beautiful stonework of the old manor house, beautiful.

  4. To see stone work is a treat. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. Those books sound interesting.
    i have a question - if you were an artisan - then, aren't you always an artisan???

    I really like stone work - it's like a gift from the artists made "before" - for us to enjoy today . . nice . . . thank you

    1. I'm no moret, I'm retired now.This has any reasons....
      But of course in my mind I stayed a person of colors, such sense does not disappear only when no longer working.
      Colors play a big role in my life.

  6. That's a great five! Hope you have a lovely weekend with some sun x

  7. Mascha, your photos of the old stonework are awesome. I love the colors in the manor, and would love to see it now with the trees leaved out. So sorry for the garden at your mother's.

  8. The wall in your first wonderful photo is beautiful! I just love it! Enjoyed the second photo as well. I know what you mean about gardening...I've had to almost completely give it up, only growing a few things in pots. The books you mention sound really good! I too like true accounts rather than fiction most of the time.

  9. You live in a such a beautiful area. I loved seeing all your photos.

  10. I like your photos very much. The colors are nice. I think it would be lovely to visit that old manor. - I know tending a garden is a lot of work and now I am doing my own flowes and helping my mom with hers (she is 86). I enjoy reading a lot of different books. The ones you mentioned sounded interesting. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. i love the photos...the stonework is so pretty...i will have to check out those books! thanks for linking mascha and hope you are having a great week!


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