Sonntag, 3. Mai 2015

Joy of spring

The birds brought seed & flowers & bits of brightly colored string & placed them in her hair while she slept so that she would remember the wild joy of spring when she finally awoke.

- storypeople -

20 Kommentare:

  1. A wonderful series of spring flowers. Love the blue flowers in the first photo especially.

  2. Your blog is so colorful and beautiful this morning, Mascha.

  3. Frühling ist eine herrliche Zeit für Fotografen - tolle Fotos - besonders die Hyazinthen !!!
    Liebe Grüße

  4. Wunderschöne Fotos! Die Hyazinthen gefallen mir besonders gut!
    Liebe Grüße

  5. BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for sharing at the Macro Monday Mixer. Hope to see you again there next week!

  6. Dear Mascha, I'm glad that you came back to blogging! I miss your outfit posts though. I hope you'll be doing them again! I also wanted to mention to you that Dana is looking for participants for her fun project - read here (she writes in German as well) - Maybe it will interest you! Have a lovely time, my dear!

    1. Dear Natalja, thanks for your visit, nice comment and yout tip. I know Dana's project, but I will not join in, because I had never a "Style blog" - my blog was always more a photoblog about this and that and nature...
      I'm to ill since any months to make outfit photos. Hope, it will be better during this year and than beginning again.

  7. Such vibrant and vivid shots of the season's starlets!


  8. Lovely spring flowers, spring does seem like a dream, I have to try to remember it in the winter. I like the deep blue of the muscari, contrasted with the other light blue one.

  9. Wirklich eine Frühlingswonne, liebe Mascha! Ich mag Maiglöckchen und besonders die drei Bilder in der Mitte!
    Lass es Dir gut geh'n und genieß den Mai!
    Alles Liebe

  10. Wonderful spring blooms. I haven't found any tulips here yet.

  11. Beautiful spring flowers!

  12. LOVELY proof that spring is a beautiful time of year!

  13. Wow...You really take such wonderful photos. The flowers are bright and cheerful and I love the quote you put with them. Thank you for linking in this week .. Michelle

  14. Beautiful flowers and lovely colors.. Gorgeous images..Enjoy your day!

  15. So much beauty Mascha! Thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥


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