Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2015

Tulip time

9 Kommentare:

  1. Goodness gracious, what a beautiful place! Flowers are a girl's best friend!

  2. Mascha, what a wonderful selection. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. The varieties of shapes and colors of these tulips are so beautiful.

    Letters from the Land of Cherry Blossoms

  4. Oh my goodness, the tulips, so many different varieties and colors. Such a beautiful collection of photos.

  5. Enjoying them all. Wonderful flowers and shots.

  6. What wonderful shots ..... The colors of spring ... beautifully photographed ..
    Best wishes, Karin

  7. Gorgeous! I like all the different colours mixed up together.

  8. I love all the different colors all growing together! You so seldom see that with tulips! A entire field of red or yellow or purple, but rarely mixed. You made some wonderful photos!

  9. Delightful shots, Mascha. Tulips can have so many different forms and colours nowadays.
    Many thanks for linking up with Floral Friday Fotos, I look forward to your next contribution!


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