Sonntag, 31. Mai 2015

Fun in the green

Today, I’m ready to follow my heart fully as long as it’s doing something fun 
far away from most of the people I know....

- storypeople -

8 Kommentare:

  1. oh my gosh how awesome are these statues, so touching and playful father and son (perhaps?) It's a lovely scenario!
    Thanks for sharing with Our Beautiful World

  2. Bathing in the ivy! How amazing!! xo Jazzy Jack

  3. such an adorable sculpture! and to be surrounded by ivy- unique. the flowers have such rich colors.

  4. How cool are those garden statue photos, thanks for sharing with OBW

  5. How lovely. Reminds me of the times I was playing in the same manner with Zahra' when she was under one.

  6. That is amazing!! I LOVE it! Thanks so much for sharing with us at OBW!!

  7. I love the movement created by the straight legs on the boy. They really look like they are having fun! Mascha, so glad to have found you once again at Our Beautiful World.


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