Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015

The purple tulips scenery

15 Kommentare:

  1. Very beautiful tulips and a lovely fence also.

  2. Beautiful tulips, I love the purple... Great fence shots.. Happy Thursday!

  3. quite colorful scene! i like it! thanks, mascha!

  4. Mascha, those are awesome color, and against the fence. Fabulous shots.

  5. Gorgeous purple ... the tulips are so pretty against the great fence.

  6. Oh wow! I bet that Debbie (It's All About Purple) will love this fence. I've never seen a purple fence before and those tulips just match perfectly with it. Great find.

  7. Ooooh, I am loving that purple fence with those fuscia tulips! Gorgeous!

  8. Gut getroffen, liebe Mascha :))) Sagenhaft, wie der Zaun zu den magentafarbenen Tulpen passt.
    Mit sonnigen Grüßen, Heidrun

  9. They're very pretty. Our tulips are almost done, but new flowers are beginning to blossom. It's a wonderful time of year.

  10. A very special effect with the fence and the red-leafed hedge!

  11. These sure are pretty! Love the deep purple!

  12. The colour is wonderful! Have a great weekend!

  13. The purple fence complelents the purple tulips so well. A stunning sight.

  14. A great selection of photos, Mascha, The fence and the tulips match so well.
    I appreciate you joining Floral Friday Fotos and look forward to your next post for this meme.


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