Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2015


It blooms now in my garden, a small herb, scents very aromatic.
Really the flowers are bright purple, but my camera make them white, sigh!

Shared with Floral Friday Fotos

7 Kommentare:

  1. I see the hint of purple. Isn't it strange how light makes the camera record differently from what we see? Nonetheless, they are beautiful, no matter the color.

  2. I've always loved thyme and when I had a garden I grew several varieties. Variegated leaves and lemon scent are among my favourites. I've not had success with it in my balcony pots. Beautiful photos Mascha! I'm going to a women only poetry reading tonight and in my imagination taking you along with me. xoxoxo

  3. Really? The camera made them white? Very unusual. But I'll bet they really smell wonderful.

  4. These thymes are very pretty indeed!

  5. Cameras have a way of doing that. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  6. Very pretty! Made me think of the song by Simon & Garfunkel.

  7. Lovely macros, despite the colour, Mascha. It may help to use the "P" setting on your camera rather than the Automatic mode.
    Thank you for joining us at Floral Friday Fotos, hope to see you contributing again soon.


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