Sonntag, 31. Mai 2015

Silent Sunday

18 Kommentare:

  1. one of these things is not like the other....that's a line from a Children's show I grew up watching. Great contrast.

  2. I love the contrast of colours x

  3. Wow I love just that one white daisy amongst all the pink flowers, Clio lending a helping hand for Coombe Mill

  4. I love the contrast between the two flowers, works really well

    Thank you for linking up

  5. Contrast will always grab attention. Luv this. Thanks for linking up at my Sunday Lime

    Much love...

  6. Such a pretty capture! Love the white against the red background. It just stands out! #mysundayphoto

  7. This is exquisite. Love the dusky pink flowers framing the bold white daisy.

  8. Ein entzückendes Foto! Das Gänseblümchen ist perfekt gerahmt!

  9. How lovely with the single white flower!!

  10. What nice contrast - great shot!
    Thank you for sharing here. I hope you'll come link up at

  11. That makes me think of people who dare to be different in the midst of a conformist society. Lovely contrast with the azalea flowers.

  12. This photo is very peaceful to me. Thank you for sharing it at the Macro Monday Mixer.


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