Freitag, 15. April 2022

Invitation of the Day

There are times when I have no idea
what comes next & it’s the thing I’ve
come to love most about being alive:
leaning in to hear the invitation
of each day & feeling my whole
body melt when I say
yes, yes, yes.

- storypeople -

(photos from my archive)

Shared with Skywatch Friday

7 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Mascha,
    endlich kann man mal wieder in einen blauen Himmel hinauf sehen, was für eine Wohltat !
    Dein erstes Foto finde ich besonders schön :-)
    ♥lichst Jutta
    Great discovered and a great photo taken!
    Warm greetings
    My sky

  2. ...a great invitation to a new day!

  3. Creative post with awesome sky shots and lovely collage creations ~ contemplative words too ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Beautiful capture!
    Joining Skywatch Friday as well, and glad to be here!
    I'm a German also, residing in the Philippines -Christine here

  5. Greetings and Salutations! Saying YES all year is a very hard thing to do. I tried it. It is doing things with intention, honored to do it, smiling when you do it. Try saying YES. No is so much easier.

  6. ....auch bei Euch sieht man am Himmel "Spuren" der Chemtrails. Wirklich blauer (reiner) Himmel scheint rar zu sein in diesen Zeiten. Aber gesprüht wird bereits seit vielen Jahren.

    Schöne Fotos und wieder das Gespür für den richtigen Augenblick und fürs Detail!
    Liebe Grüße


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