Once in awhile you get shown the light
in the strangest of places
if you look at it right*
*found these words at a photo by Tom
Shared with Tuesday's Treasures, Pictorial Tuesday
Once in awhile you get shown the light
in the strangest of places
if you look at it right*
*found these words at a photo by Tom
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...Mascha, your first image is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing the light, it's still dark here!
AntwortenLöschenYour photos and collages are very striking and thought provoking. Ever since I got my cataracts removed, I can see light, shadows, and shades of colors ever so much more. I’m glad of and for that.
AntwortenLöschenYour images are amazing Masha. You have a fabulous eye for photos. Happy weekend! hugs-Erika
AntwortenLöschenAlways i enjorn the torn pieces art. Happy you linked in at Art For Fun Fridays