Sonntag, 24. April 2022



Heute mit Peruquois


Peruquois is a composer and lyricist expressing the passionate journey of being fully human, longing for the source of love, for total awakening Originally jazz trained, later integrating native american, indian classical, middle eastern and electronic flavors to her ‘ear watering’ blend. Being constantly branded as «Vocal Goddess» Peruquois’ expresses the very feminine soul of sound. Touring the globe since 1997 she is a light shining the way home.
Peruquois is the creator of such deep practices as «Vocal Yoga» and «Vocal Tantra» that became a foundation for her potent workshops.

Australian born from a musical family, Peruquois originally trained in Jazz at the Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts. After being deeply involved with the jazz scene in Sydney in the early 90 'she left jazz to explore cultural music traditions that carried the knowledge of healing with the voice .

She went through an 11 year apprenticeship to Native American Elder John Twobirds in New Mexico. In more recent years she has trained with Hindustani classical vocalist Sunanda Sharma and Ritesh Mishra in Delhi India. 
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