Dienstag, 3. Juli 2018

A bouquet in details

It wasn't really my birthday in last week.
It is in december, in a cold grey time without colors.
As a little girl I've always dreamed about a birthday party
in lovely summertime... and so we are celebrating just
my half-birthday in june.

Want to share this wonderful bouqet in some details.
Made the close ups outdoor, for better light.

10 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, what a lovely bouquet. Thanks for sharing.

  2. ...Masha, what a beautiful collection of natures treasures! All the colors and shapes blend together well. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your week.

  3. Oh, I love the texture these flowers and botanicals bring to your arrangement. Beautiful.

  4. So eine Vielfalt ( wie ich mir sie nach wie vor für uns Menschen auch wünsche )! Das erste Kind vor 42 Jahren in meinem Freundeskreis hat seinen Dezembergeburtstag auch immer im Juni gefeiert...
    Ich bin mit meinem Wintergeburtstag hingegen sehr zufrieden.
    Gute Nacht!

  5. Lovely, lovely flowers and beautiful photos of them. Happy half birthday. :)

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

  6. Beautiful details. It is amazing how well the more common flowers match with rare ones (kniphofia). I celebrate my birthday also in December. Thank you for the tip of celebrating in June too :) Congrats!

  7. Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers. Each gorgeous stem has brought sunshine to my dull wintry day. Sublime photos, Maschas. Happy 6 month birthday. =)

  8. Beautiful bouquet of lovely flowers and you captured each one of them beautifully in your photos.

    Thanks so much for linking up on Wandering Camera.


  9. Your photos are like kisses to the bouquet. A long time ago I used to celebrate my half-birthday in July because mine was in December, too. Same reason as yours. I think I want a summer party next year.


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