Dienstag, 24. Juli 2018

Opera man

My uncle told me once there were 3 rules for a great opera.
Make it loud, wear flashy clothes & if it's not
going your way, kill yourself.
It has no basis in reality, he added.
That's why I like it.

- storypeople -

6 Kommentare:

  1. Gut gesagt, schön geklebt!
    Grüßestrid aus dem noch angenehmen Morgen!

  2. I love the opera rules...Glad they are not about real life though.

  3. ...yes the opera rules are interesting. Masha your images and collages are alway treasures and I thank you for sharing them. Enjoy your week. 😀

  4. Mascha, collages are superb. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great photos and pages. Love the face with the words all over it. The quote from your uncle made me laugh.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

  6. Loved the thoughts about opera! :-) Gorgeous photos and wonderful collages, Mascha. Hope you are having a great week.


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