Montag, 2. Juli 2018



Shared with Photo Tunes

I am resilient
I trust the movement
I negate the chaos
Uplift the negative
I'll show up at the table
Again and again and again
I'll close my mouth and learn to listen

These times are poignant
The winds have shifted
It's all we can do
To stay uplifted
Pipelines through backyards
Wolves howling out front
Yeah I got my crew but truth is what I want

Realigned and on point
Power to the peaceful, prayers to the waters
Women at the center
All vessels open to give and receive
Let's see this system brought down to its knees

I'm made of thunder, I'm made of lightning
I'm made of dirt, yeah
Made of the fine things
My father taught me
That I'm a speck of dust and this world
was made for me so let's go and try our luck
I've got my roots down down down deep

So what are we doing here
What has been done
What are you going to do about it
When the world comes undone
My voice feels tiny
And I'm sure so does yours
Put us all together we'll make a mighty roar

I am resilient
I trust the movement
I negate the chaos
Uplift the negative
I'll show up at the table again and again and again
I'll close my mouth and learn to listen...

4 Kommentare:

  1. ...being 'Resilient' is an important part of life! And so resisting, now more than ever! Thanks Masha for stopping by, enjoy your week.

  2. I have never heard this powerful song, so perfect for today's times.

  3. Mascha, difficult times/conditions call for resiliency. Thanks for sharing.


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