Freitag, 23. September 2022



"Das gute Wort MUTTER" 
Chor der Priester der Diözese Kirovograd, 8.5.22

"Mother" is the word we treasure,
With this word we're born to live.
To our mum no one can measure,
She is there through joy and grief.

If your mother is alive and breathing
You'd be glad to know that she,
Everyday thinks of life's meaning,
Praying that you'd always be.

I remember through my childhood,
She would tell me all along:
Jesus Christ's our only Saviour
Bring your life upon his throne.

If your mother is alive and breathing
You'd be glad to know that she,
Everyday thinks of life's meaning,
Praying that you'd always be.

As I grew up I would travel
Over mountains; cross the sea.
I'll come back home and would always
See my mother wait for me.

If your mother is alive and breathing
You'd be glad to know that she,
Everyday thinks of life's meaning,
Praying that you'd always be


(Engl. Text hier gefunden)

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