Donnerstag, 10. November 2022

Sky, angels and an imagined story...


My first picture is real, took it in my area with my little camera.
That's for Skywatch Friday
And just comes my imagined story.

Yogi found a FreeImageGenerator and asqued, what we mean.
Well, have tried it.

 It's a fantastic toy. You can give it a prompt, 
describe a picture with words and it generates an image for you.
You may not have any specific idea, but take it as a grab bag. 
 It never makes exactly what you want, but it makes amazing stuff!

I will never be without my camera, but it seems like a good addition. 
 For example, I had a dream in the night and I got an image for it, quite appropriate.
 I could never do that with my camera. And I'm not a painter...

Please look at my story or make your own. 
 It's very simple: let artificial intelligence work for you!

I show these pics today for Yogi to see and I say: thanks for the great tip.

9 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Mascha,
    dank deines Links für den Bildgenerator bin ich ihm sofort verfallen.
    Du bist ja schon ein Meister im generieren, tolle bilder sind da zustande gekommen.
    Ich bin noch am Üben ;-)
    Dein Originalfoto ist wunderschön, lädt ein zum spazieren gehen.
    Wenn du magst hier sind meine Experimente
    Sei lieb gegrüßt

  2. You got fantastic results. Your dream must have been dark. The images are full of your imagination.

  3. Seems as if you are only limited by your own imagination. I'm going to check it out!

  4. Imagination becomes an image. How cool is that? Totally cool man Luke. Thank you for showing Yogi what it does. Now I know too.

  5. Das scheint fast surreal oder.....eine vergangene Welt? Schön anzusehen.

  6. Your "real" photo is wonderful, and my goodness your AI photos are just on a different realm. I can tell that I am going to have up my game. Fantastic images you came up with!!


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