Freitag, 19. Mai 2023



Ich ging still hinein in den Raum - Simon Khorolskiy, USA  

I quietly entered the room,
As Jesus in spirit appeared,
He looked, and my soul, as a book,
With boundless love, He could read.

I thought I was holy and pure
I thought serving God I deserved.
But how to explain, Jesus, You
Came humbly and bowed to serve.

You, Lord, washed my feet and I wept,
The veil from my soul fell off.
The King of all kings as a slave,
Has taught me the lesson of love

O, Lord, I was blind, I admit,
Forgive me my arrogant pride.
Your covenant, don't write with ink,
Inscribe it in soul and mind.

You offered me wine and bread,
My soul trembled, humble and meek.
The cross I was destined to bear
You took on Your shoulders for me.

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