Freitag, 19. Juli 2013

Random 5 Friday

1. This is my cat.
2. I call Merula, because does not say meow like a cat, but beeps like a bird. And Turdus merula merula is the Latin name of the blackbird.
3. She was a stray cat and came in winter 2010/11 hungry to me.
4. She was very suspicious for a long time and did not come into the house. I then positioned her against the cold a small wooden house.
5. Now she lives in the house and garden and she is very affectionate and gentle with me.
But to me only - all other people, even my partner, she goes out of the way.

Yesterday morning she was gone and she was still not home last night. I was very worried that it could have happened.
But now it's there and that's why I wrote this.
I am very relieved that they survived. She was probably included somewhere ....

13 Kommentare:

  1. Ohhh...Merula...da bin ich froh für deine Mom und dich, dass alles gut ist.

    Kann leider kein Englisch lesen, habs mir aber übersetzen lassen...zumindest einigermassen ;-)

    Meine Mami, der Papi und Michelle schauen ständig nach mir...was ich tu...wo ich bin...ich ich bin ihnen wohl tief ins Herz gewachsen. :-)

    Ganz liebi Grüessli
    Fiona & Mami Julia

    1. Ich kann auch kein Englisch, bis vor paar Wochen gar kein Wort... aber wenn ich amerikanische Link-Partys mitmache, musz ich es nun lernen. Macht mir aber auch Spasz.

      Rechts in der Sidebar ist ein google-Übersetzer, weiter unten, der ist sehr hilfreich, deswegen habe ich ihn hinzugefügt.

      Ja, ich habe mir Sorgen gemacht, manchmal ist sie zu anhänglich und hält mich von der Arbeit ab... aber wenn sie nicht da ist, ist es auch nicht gut!
      Wenn sie doch nur sagen könnte, wo sie gesteckt hat!
      Und überhaupt: ich wüszte gerne ihre Geschichte (kann nicht gut gewesen sein, vermutlich)
      Liebe Grüsze

    2. Hab den Translator noch bissel nach oben gerückt -

  2. we've one wild cat who remains wild, sleeps in the house in a bedroom off the garden (we are upstairs) is always there but when he goes off looking for girls he is gone so long I worry myself near to death when I see him there on his bed I am so relieved. Merula is beautiful.

    1. Welcome to my blog :-)

      Cats are wonderful creatures...

  3. Lovely kitty! We've had all of our outdoor cats spayed or neutered so they stay around.

    Thank you for sharing at Random 5 Friday!

  4. What a pretty kitty. I'm so glad she came home.

  5. The kitty who bosses me around was feral when my border collie adopted her - many years ago. She insists she is still wild . . who am i to argue?

    I am glad your beautiful blackbird cat is okay.

  6. Aww- that cat has won you over! I'm glad she came home, but she will probably wander a lot.

  7. Beautiful kitty, and i'm so glad she came home to you!

  8. I love this. Her name, your story. She is gorgeous. My black and white cat chirps too. :)

  9. I am happy to meet glad she found her way back where she should be.. (:

  10. She's lovely and looks very sweet. I'm happy that she's home again. How funny that she doesn't meow like a cat. We took care of one once that sort of chirped like a bird too.


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