Freitag, 26. Juli 2013

Random 5 Friday

These are very old pliers.

I have inherited from my grandparents.

My grandparents (1894 - 1988) were artisans.

I'm not as skilled as them, but it is of course also for me, a lot to do with my hands and fix things. Therefore I use these pliers often.

I find these pliers are beautiful and aesthetic.

7 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful! The pliers are very special because they are from your grandparents. What stories they could tell!

  2. how lucky of you to have inherited these!

  3. Those are beautiful Masha. I bet they would look fantastic in a frame. :)

  4. They are very special, and i like how you've arranged them in your photograph.

  5. Did they work with clay tiles? I recognize some of those... what a treasure trove!

    Thanks so much for joining in @ R5F. xo

    1. You have worked with metals and enamel. I can not ... but these pliers are useful for many things in the household.


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