Sonntag, 16. März 2014

Cemetery Chapel

Cemetery Chapel in Quedlinburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

4 Kommentare:

  1. such an interesting shape. love the arch ways. ( :

  2. This is a really fascinating church! Love the soft yellow color and the unusual architectural shape.

  3. «Louis» would like to see the interior.

    It seems to be just the right size given that it is located at a cemetery. It also looks to be fairly modern - «Louis» is guessing that it was built after World War II.

    1. I do not know exactly when it was built, but it could be because the city was destroyed during the war. It is open only at funerals and I can not take pictures of interior. It is only 30 km away but without a car I can not even reach, it was just a lucky coincidence for me to be even get there.


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