Psalm 109 in Russian
Donnerstag, 27. März 2014
5 Kommentare:
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«Louis» really likes your posting the Psalm in Russian or Ukrainian. While he understands very little of either language, he nonetheless likes to hear the sound of the Psalms in a language other than his own.
AntwortenLöschen«Louis'» Lenten Devotion for Thursday is HERE.
I read Psalm's definitely not meant to uplift one. David must have been in the throes of depression when he wrote this one. However, I do love this stone wall image, with its powerful look of strength and texture.
AntwortenLöschenI have chosen this Psalm, because it was mentioned here yesterday (I too was very thoughtful and ambivalent of it)
Tomorrow I will show a more beautiful song -
Beautiful share!!!!
AntwortenLöschenPsalms 109:26 has been a favorite of mine this year so your subject was timely for me♪ Enjoyed your photo...