Sonntag, 30. März 2014

When I was ten...

Things I wanted to do when I was ten 
1. Make a wagon into a restaurant & travel around the world having adventures with my invisible pet dinosaur. Most of the adventures would start with people buying food from us 
2. Light things on fire to see how they would burn 
3. Dig an underground fort & live there except at mealtime & at night because I hate dirt in my food & my pajamas 
4. Discover a continent or an island & not tell my parents where it was because they'd just make me clean it

- storypeople -

16 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Mascha,
    das sind wieder wunderbare Bilder und ein schöner Rückblick auf Deine Kindheit. Du warst wohl eine kleine Abenteuerin und Entdeckerin.
    Wenn Du magst, schick mir mal Deine E-Mail-Adresse. Ich möchte Dir gerne eine persönliche Nachricht senden.
    Lieben Gruß von Sabine

    1. Der Text ist nicht von mir... aber es könnte passen - mir waren die Spiele und Abenteuer der Jungs damals lieber als Puppenwagen etc. (in den hab ich mich nur selbst reingesetzt und bin dern Berg runter gesaust... und dann wars das mit Puppenwagen ;-) )
      Einen schönen Sonntag wünscht Dir

      Eine mailadresse steht unter "Kontakt" hier im Profil.

  2. Everything is so pretty! #mysundayphoto

  3. The first shot of the sun on the building is just stunning. Lovely post.

  4. Very beautiful photos, so much interest

    Thank you for linking up

  5. Cute memories of wat you wanted when you were ten. That's a real old cannon- great shot with the sun on it! Love the picture of the road filled with puddles of water and the sunlight on the building!

  6. Your list of what you wanted to do when you were ten made me chuckle. So cute! The cannon shot is very nice. Have a lovely Sunday.

  7. I find myself trying to remember what it is I wanted to do when I was ten. I'll have to think about that a bit longer, Maschas.

    The old building in the first photo looks rather sad and neglected, with the broken windows. I like the distant view in the canon picture and the reflections in the final one.

    I'm very glad you participated in Sunlit Sunday this year!


  8. Wonderful photos! Now I wonder what I wanted to do at ten besides read as many books as possible and play with my friends?

  9. You had a great imagination of things you wanted to do when you were younger, I really enjoyed reading them. #4 made me chuckle. - Great reflections in your sunlit shots.

  10. I love your list. I am not sure I remember anything I wanted to do when I was 10.

  11. I like your list! Great sunlit shots. I love the reflections of beauty in the lowly mud puddles.

  12. Lovely list! #MySundayPhoto x

  13. That first one sounds like a great story line for kids books/shows! Love the photos of puddles.

  14. great post! I wanted to grow up and become a teacher and a mother. I did both.


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