Samstag, 22. März 2014

Light and shadows

Joy is based on the spiritual knowledge that, 
while the world in which we live is shrouded in darkness, 
God has overcome the world.

― Henri J.M. Nouwen -

I had already searched for it, but no recording found.  
Now, 5 days ago, a recording of the organ was uploaded by the student, who plays it, here it is:

10 Kommentare:

  1. Great hope in knowing Jesus has overcome the world! Love Henri Nouwen's quotes.

  2. Exquisite interior design of the church. Lovely colours in the first photo especially.

  3. It looks like this church has a fine Baroque organ. It would be a pleasure to hear it!

    «Louis» posted "Our Lady of the Maytag" in San Francisco.

  4. Great photos, Great words. And, my husband is an organist/pianist and is very good...and especially loves the organs. Would love him to do it more often. You just made me smile. Thanks.

  5. I love the beauty of this church and its lovely shadows. wonderful quote too!

  6. Beautiful. Churches are wonderful for shadows, but quite challenging for wedding photos.


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