Sonntag, 16. März 2014

White birds

I have always thought that stars turn into white birds
in the morning light & sleep with their heads under their wings
until the dusk begins to walk through the streets.

- storypeople -

14 Kommentare:

  1. It comes as a bit gothic to me but pretty nonetheless!


  2. This is very pretty, the tree has an errie fell to it

    Thank you for linking up

  3. A tree with a nice weeping effect and an interesting quote of stars turning into white birds.

  4. The large tree has a sense of drama to it, an imposing figure with the long draping branches. It stands out well against the bright blue sky. Thanks for sharing your photo at Sunlit Sunday, Maschas.


  5. stars turning into birds ... I like it! Great tree!

  6. Such a beautiful photo and I love the idea of the stars turning into birds ;D
    Enjoy your Sunday Mascha

  7. I like the weeping tree against the sky. The branches look like brushes.

  8. This weeping tree would look amazing in a wind storm. Lovely shot

  9. Cool shot. The branches dotted with the white birds are quite interesting. I like the idea of the stars turning into birds.

  10. Love the graceful lines of the tree.

  11. The tree looks so sad against the bright blue sky. Nice contrast.


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