Dienstag, 18. März 2014

Wordless - без слов -

8 Kommentare:

  1. Just lovely! Crocuses are so small, but hold big beauty.

    Royalegacy WW for 3.19.14

  2. So beautiful !! Love them and their color, they are very inspiring...
    This is a great picture, enjoy your day!

  3. What a beautiful photo! Spring has sprung! We re still waiting here.

  4. Beautiful photo! I truly needed a peek at spring :) It has been a long winter :) So glad you shared at Wordless Wed.

  5. They are SO pretty. I've used daffodils in my WW picture. I just adore spring flowers

  6. How I love the sight of crocuses and what a wonderful shot you have shown us. I need to get bulbs so that I can see a similar sight in my yard.


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