Freitag, 28. März 2014

Random 5 Friday

This is my random-everyday-colors-post .
I'm a lazy person . If I take off the shoes, I do not put them behind the curtain , but let them stand in front of it . I could even pick up again soon ...
But the next day, I prefer other shoes to match the clothes.
Throughout the week, then there is a color palette of shoes in the corridor ...
But I love those color moods that arise in everyday life by chance .

I have two old books get new.
Dostoevsky and a book with golden cover and slipcase.

The golden book contains reproductions of paintings on the subject of play and dance .
This is an image of the painter Moritz von Schwind and I think it fits very well with the spring time.
The colored dresses and the merry dance.
I like those pictures .

This week I got my crown at the dentist.
And I had a particular association. In many dental practices iss droning music. Nothing especially, just ordinary radio music . I do not like that and I think they should play stylish music for the occasion.
So if you get a crown, a " Coronation Mass " should to be played .
In a normal treatment a “ Miserere " and for root canal treatment of teeth and pull " De Profundis "
With such thoughts I make myself the dentist treatment tolerable. If I have to smile inwardly ...

And now the poetic part - лирический часть

Nancy's post from Tuesday reminded me of this poem
one of my favorite Russian poet Vyacheslav Kupriyanov

Урок пения

изобрел клетку
чем крыля

В клетках
поют крылатые
о свободе

Перед клетками
поют бецкрылые
о справедливости

singing lesson

Formerly known as wings
man has
invented cages

In the cages
sing Winged
about the freedom
of the flight

Against the cages
sing the wings lots
about justice
of the cages

- Vyacheslav Kupriyanov -
(translated with Google-Translator)

Written for Nancy's Random 5 Friday

5 Kommentare:

  1. My dentist plays pop music from the 1980s and 90s, which is fine with me. Love your colorful footwear collection. :)

  2. I giggled reading your selections of music for dental treatment. You find the best books. Love the shoes (I don't put mine up either). Happy Friday!

  3. I love all your shoes, such great colours! I take my iPod to the dentist so I can listen to my own music.

  4. I would be a shoe collector in the entryway too if I wasn't married to my husband.

  5. Good that you got that Crown thing over with. My dentist has a TV that you can watch while they work. I generally don't use the headphones though and just watch the programs to keep my mind off of what they are doing.
    What a lovely illustration in the book.
    I like your shoes shot too.


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