Freitag, 14. März 2014

My pink post...

 This is my pink post.
"Think Pink!" I motivate myself often, because not every day 
have real pink in itself...

 I had a date with the dentist, that was bad. 
And there will be two more ...

 I have lostmy  loved earring, which is sad ... 
and various other most worse things... not worth mentioning.

 I found this Primrose in the container at the cemetery.
It was completely mud and dead, but I gave her water.
I have saved many plants there, which have thrown away other people.
A walk is always worth it ...

Now the poetic part - лирический часть

This magic box contains what you need for lucky mood & swinging spring.
It has no calories & is not harmful to health.
Open the box & take a slice of the moon silver out.
Put it into a player and then have nice day & dance away...

Written for Nancy's Random 5 Friday

11 Kommentare:

  1. I swear you and me are in sync - my word for the week is Fun and it's on bright pink card, so I shared pink photos... A great Random 5 and have a happy Friday, Blogsister :)

  2. Die Primeln hast Du gut aufgepäppelt. Ich hab den Garten voll con diesen Schönheiten, sie vermehren sich wie Unkraut. Meine Nachbari bekommt immer welche und die gehen immer ein bei ihr. Ich versteh nicht, warum die Leute sowas wegwerfen.
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende

  3. Love those pink photos, especially the feathery ones. Best of luck with the rest of your dentist dates.

  4. Bless you for saving the primrose! Beautiful pink images. xo

  5. Hi Mascha. Lots of pretty pink! I also save flowers. There is a lot of building development in my neighbourhood because the properties are so valuable, and I go around to the developers and ask to save some of the plants before the bulldozer knocks the house down. I feel really good about doing that. :) Big higs for a lovely weekend.

  6. wonderful pink post. amazing what a little water will do. no fun at the dentist -- but necessary. dance some more! :D happy friday.

  7. Lots of great Pink to be found in these shots. I never thought about gathering up old plants from the cemetery and bringing them back to life.
    Sorry about your dental visits, how well I know them and yes they are not fun.

  8. Pink is a very uplifting color which, from the sound of your post, you need a little more pink in your life. I love the idea of a calorie free magic box thaat will get me dancing. Fun post, Mascha ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  9. Lovely mixture of pink details!... and a good deed ... a happy primrose flower... So true "A walk is always worth it ..."

  10. Liebe Mascha,
    wie wunderschön das kleine Primel wieder blüht!!! Oft, wenn wir das Grab unserer Familienmitglieder auf dem Friedhof besuchen, fällt mir auf wie viele Blumen /Pflanzen achtlos weggeschmiessen werden. Das macht mich tut gut zu lesen, dass es mehr Menschen gibt, die das berührt.
    Die Sache mit dem Zahnarzt kann ich gut verstehen, mir gehts da ganz genauso...ich wünsche Dir das die nächsten Besuche schnell und glimpflich vergehen!!!
    Deine Worte im poetischen Teil und das dazugehörige Bild sind so, so wundervoll und auch Deine pinkfarbenen Feder-Makros gefallen mir sehr!
    Ich wünsche Dir, dass Leichtigkeit und ganz viele pinke Momente, all die Dinge in Deiner Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft überfärben!!!
    Sei ganz lieb gegrüßt und
    Alles Liebe,


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