Mittwoch, 10. September 2014

A harvest

I have picked up the apples.
There is only a small tree, but it has tasty fruits.
They will not last long, because they are of a scab-infested disease this year. It is the first time.
I think it is not a good year, too much rain. The plums are moldy on the tree, long before they are ripe.
Also many raspberry rods I cut away, although they still had lots of green berries (they wear until the first frost). But all berries are moldy and unusable.
It is a crop failure this year. The apples still the best.
I am thankful that there are so many.

9 Kommentare:

  1. I'm glad you got to have an apple harvest; sorry about your other crops. A friend of mine shared apples from her cousin's tree.

  2. It's a shame that so many fruit and berries will go to waste this year. But your baskets filled with apples look so delicious and so old-world! :)

  3. Beautiful apples! They look delicious. I'm sorry your other crops failed.
    Amanda's Books and More

  4. Wow you got a lot from just one tree, lovely!

    -Nicky @ awesomeville

  5. Our tree is full of apples too. I guess I need to get out there before the bugs do.

  6. But despite nature's harsh treatment, you got a couple great bushels of fine looking apples.

  7. I'm glad you were able to salvage as many as you did! Hope these turn into many tasty treats!

  8. the best thing about autumn is all the windfall



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