Mittwoch, 24. September 2014

Maschas Mix - No. 60 -

Lagenlook - Layering

6 Kommentare:

  1. Inspiring, Mascha! You make me want to try my own lagenlook!

  2. I love natural fibres and colours, and I love how you paired them with red. The little statue is so cuuute! As are you :-) I loved your hibiscus post with the soft red. I want some now too! xo JJ

  3. I love your combination of the red jewelry with the softer colours of the clothing! I love natural fibres and layers too, though I do not manage them daily. Natural fibres are my first priority but I have settled for a mix. Thank you for visiting my blog! It's nice to meet you and I shall happily follow yours now too. Doesn't Natalia look great in her lagenlook?

  4. I love lagenlook, and I love this look on you, Mascha! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xo.

  5. Your outfit makes me crave cooler weather so I can wear the ponchos and long skirts I love so much (and you wear so well.) The llama sculpture is quite wonderful. Is it in your own garden?

    1. No, it's in a small public park in Goslar, Germany


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