Donnerstag, 18. September 2014

Shadows and light...

Shared with Good Fences

15 Kommentare:

  1. Great fence shot and composition! I love the shadows! Enjoy your day!

  2. A great fence shot Mascha. I too love the shadows.

  3. Neat Good Fence shot. Well done. Thank you for visiting my Rural Illinois Good Fence.

  4. I really like this shadow shot with the leaves and fence intermingled!

  5. Stunning capture. I always like the shadow effect, often more than the real thing.

  6. Two fences for the price of one when you get the shadow too. Don't you love the red bushes peeking out at the top of the fence.

    1. Hehehe, you are right!
      Ped plants like often more than greens, have in my garden too. It's always a pretty akzent.

  7. Nice fence. Nice shadows. Makes two. Smart.

  8. Nice capture including the shadow. I like the perspective too,

  9. Very interesting shot to see all the shadows of the fence right next to the railroad tracks.

  10. I wonder if we would even notice a fence if it's shadow wasn't leaping out on our sidewalk ... yes, I will answer my own question. I see fences everywhere, thanks to Theresa's meme. Great fun Mascha ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol


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